StarSat Exposé

Navigating the Maze of Misconduct


Welcome to a rigorous examination of StarSat, a company mired in controversy. This platform is a dedicated space for those adversely affected by what can only be described as Starsat's voracious practices. We are committed to an unwavering fact-driven narrative, shedding light on the path to restitution and vindication. Together, our collective voice will resonate until every grievance is duly addressed, ensuring that the aggrieved parties do not expend a single additional rand.

We're compiling a comprehensive dossier of Starsat's operations and the ensuing legal entanglements. If you have insights or experiences to bolster this cause, please forward them to [email protected].


The Prelude to Predicament

IT LEC entered the market in 2016 under registration 2016/186876/07, embarking on the sale of Starlink products when Starlink's launch in South Africa seemed imminent. However, regulatory reversals quickly unfolded, and IT LEC's operations slid into a legal grey area delineated by ICASA.

The Cease and Desist Conundrum

ICASA's intervention came as a cease-and-desist order dated 14 August 2023, halting IT LEC's distribution of Starlink offerings in South Africa, as reported by MyBroadband. This legal directive was the catalyst for IT LEC's receding from the public eye, only to re-emerge as Starsat Africa after a strategic reshuffle at the helm. 

The Business Blueprint and Backlash

Starsat Africa, however, devised a business blueprint that appeared lucrative yet legally questionable. The company distributed Starlink kits and levied hefty premiums on Starlink subscriptions—exceeding the standard charges by over a thousand rand. This profit strategy ran afoul of Starlink's copyright protocols and terms of service, a manoeuvre that Starsat knowingly perpetuated.

Compounding their contentious model was the retention of customers' login credentials, which shackled users to Starsat's intermediary 'support desk' for basic service adjustments, further entrenching their dependence on the provider.


The Downfall and Denouement

A presumptive notification from Starlink precipitated the inevitable downfall, as Starsat Africa's services for specific accounts ceased abruptly in February 2024. This action likely stemmed from a breach of Starlink's terms, though the specificities of the communication remain obscure.

The Directors' Dilemma

Starsat's directors, particularly noted for their evasive tact, have publicly dismissed the service disruptions as user violations. However, these assertions remain unsubstantiated, casting doubt on their credibility. Moreover, the questionable authenticity of their Starlink correspondences, riddled with typographical errors and inconsistencies, has only compounded scepticism surrounding their operations.
As this situation continues to evolve, it highlights the intricate balance between regulatory compliance and entrepreneurial ambition in the burgeoning space of satellite internet services in South Africa.

IT LEC (Pty) Ltd Overview

Official Director: Mauritz Coetzee

Official Director: Morné Coetzee

Additional Director: Johannes Lombaard

Morne Coetzee

Morne Coetzee soon deleted his LinkedIn profile

Johannes Lombaard

Johannes Lombard soon deleted his LinkedIn profile

Pieter Hannekom

Unmasking Starsat's Digital Champion: The Curious Case of Pieter Hanekom

In the web of Starsat's narrative, the social media figure Pieter Hanekom stands out as a staunch defender. “The devil works hard, but Pieter Hannekom works harder”. However, the identity of this advocate raises questions. Digging into digital footprints reveals connections with Marius Laubser, a graphic designer and member of a family-run wine business, according to LinkedIn. Strikingly, the image that once represented Laubser on LinkedIn now fronts the Hanekom profile; though replaced on his official page, this picture lingers in Google's cached memories, retrievable via a reverse image search.

Adding to the intrigue, Hanekom's background image is sourced directly from an Australian site, indicating a pieced-together digital persona. This patchwork of online clues leads to a reasonable hypothesis: Pieter Hanekom may be a facade.

Pieter Hannekom's revelation about his access to IT LEC's dashboard, which facilitated the importation of 550 units per batch, sheds light on his continued support for StarSat Africa and IT LEC.


Who is StarSat Africa?

It is JOHANNES HENDRIK LOMBARD trading as StarSat Africa.

The similarities do not end there

Both IT-LEC and Starsat have the same Privacy Policies (based on what appears to be South African law & just laziness):

They have: The same staff, the same support model, the same accounts, the same procedures.

Legal Framework

This is an overview of relevant South African consumer protection laws, referencing the Consumer Protection Act (CPA), 2008 (Act No. 68 of 2008).

Specific rights violated by the company's practices (e.g., right to disclosure and information, right to fair and honest dealing).

South Africans affected by the activities of Starsat may consider several legal avenues:

  1. Consumer Protection Act (CPA): They can lodge a complaint with the National Consumer Commission if Starsat's practices are found to be in violation of the CPA.
  2. Small Claims Court: For claims within the monetary jurisdiction of this court, individuals can seek resolution without the need for an attorney.
  3. Civil Lawsuit: Individuals can initiate a civil lawsuit for recovery of damages if they believe they have suffered a financial loss due to Starsat's actions.
  4. Legal Advice: Engaging with a lawyer to receive personalised legal advice on the best course of action is advisable.
  5. Ombudsman: They may approach the Consumer Goods and Services Ombud if they believe Starsat has contravened the CPA.


For specific steps and guidance, affected individuals should consider consulting with a legal professional.

Consumer Rights and Violations

StarSat being in SA allows consumer protection.


Consumer Protection Act (CPA), 2008: This act is central to consumer rights in South Africa, covering aspects like fair value, good quality, and safety. Starsat's practices might contravene provisions related to misleading representations, accountability of service providers, and the right to fair and honest dealings.


Recourse for Consumers

If you are a Starsat customer stuck with “bricks” that you have bought within the last six months: According to Section 56 of the South African Consumer Protection Act, No. 68 of 2008, consumers have the right to return goods within six months of purchase if the goods are not of good quality, in working condition, or free of any defects. The supplier is legally obligated to repair, replace, or refund the consumer for the defective goods. For more information, consumers can consult the Consumer Protection Act directly or seek guidance from the National Consumer Commission.


Card transactions can also be reversed for up to 5 years by your card provider. You can go to your bank, complete a form and the bank will refund your money to your card.


Additional steps consumers can take if they believe they have been misled or harmed, including:

Contacting the company directly for resolution. (unlikely - they do not respond timely to WhatsApp).

  • Filing a complaint with the National Consumer Commission.
  • Seeking advice and assistance from consumer protection groups.
  • Legal action, if necessary, and under what circumstances it might be applicable.

Warren McCloud

Warren McCloud - a vocal advocate against Starsat claims to have found a solution:

“I've done the impossible. Starlink unlinked my locked Starsat kit and I was able to transfer it to my account.

Don't follow Starsat's advice of not contacting Starlink. Starsat are scumbags, there is no other way to put it. Their tech support is rude and arrogant and their directors apparently "know what they are doing".

These are the steps I took:

I contacted Starlink through their form:

1 - Option A

2 - Option A

3 - Option C Type in "Account locked"

4 - Option C

5 - Enter your details

6 - Enter your address

7 - Don't enter your address again

8 - Enter your kit number

9 - Enter your dish serial number

10 - Leave the account number blank

11 - Option A

12 - Enter your details

13 - Explain in the form that your unit is locked and you can't access your account.

I received an email from Starlink after a few days that started like this: "We have made the determination that you or your business are associated with and/or engaging in fraudulent activities or theft of Starlink kits....."

I politely replied to the email stating that I am an end user and I have no business selling kits or services. I explained that I bought the kit through IT-LEC aka Starsat Africa. I went on to say that they marketed themselves as a legitimate Starlink reseller and an authorised management service and unbeknownst to us, they were not it and that many people are affected. I sent Starlink this link:

I asked Starlink for the chance to transfer the kit onto my own name since would like to continue using the service within their terms and conditions. I suggest that everyone changes the wording a bit and include more articles from Mybroadband as reference. Include motivation.

Starlink replied saying they unlinked the kit from Starsat and that they are making an exception because they can see that I am an end-user and am not involved in activities that go against their TOS. They said they would not do this again for me.

I hope this helps people with locked units. Don't give up, keep on mailing Starlink, be polite and honest about the situation - Starsat is at fault here, not you.”


If you have insights or experiences to bolster this cause, please forward them to [email protected]


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Copyright © 2024 STARSAT AFRICA & IT LEC. Just by coincidence have the same Website Design and Hosting Company for their Websites: Webcore Online Solutions